HGTV Magazine’s Style Set: A Pinch Me Moment for 2020
Today I’m sharing a {pinch me} moment for 2020. I’m so honored to have been chosen to be part of a group of makers and DIYers working on creative projects with HGTV Magazine’s Marketing team!!

Let’s go back in time though for one moment. I do this not to brag or to be boastful but to inspire you. If you are working hard trying to meet your goals or achieve a milestone – please know that your hard work, dedication and believing in yourself really does pay off.
My love for HGTV goes back many many years. So you can only imagine that having the opportunity to work with HGTV has been an absolute dream come true.
One of the major highlights of my blogging career was touring the HGTV Dream Home in Gig Harbor, WA in January 2018. I had the opportunity to meet the incredibly talented, funny and ever so kind Brian Patrick Flynn and the amazing HGTV team. I also had the opportunity to meet some wonderful fellow bloggers that I still keep in touch with to this day.
We toured the home and then I was able to share it with you via the blog. I was smiling ear to ear for a long time after that experience that I will never forget!
In the summer of 2018 I headed to the east coast to visit my best friend and to attend HGTV’s annual Block Party event in NYC. It was so much fun and again was something that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to do but was well worth it in the end!
When fall of 2019 rolled around I was met with another opportunity and achieved a professional milestone. Creatively showcasing Command Brand products in my parent’s kitchen for a publication in HGTV Magazine.

My creative efforts with blogging and design were recognized on a PAGE of HGTV Magazine and I couldn’t have been more excited or honored! I worked so hard on this post and when the day came to see it in the HGTV magazine I realized all of my hard work, dedication and believing in myself had finally paid off.
As many of you know I juggle another job as a nursing professor and as a wife + mom to 2 girls it becomes a constant balancing act. Yet this juggling act allowed me to express my design passions and turn my creative efforts into a business that paid off professionally in so many ways. Being recognized for your work is one of the best feelings!

2020 arrived with a bang and despite all the craziness of the pandemic there were definitely some silver linings. Being selected to be a part of this awesome and incredible group of creatives for HGTV Magazine’s Style Set is something I will never take for granted.
A BIG shout out to the other 37 makers selected! I’m so grateful to HGTV + HGTV Magazine for all of these opportunities and can’t thank them enough!

Joining this group of creatives comes at the perfect time as we embark on a new adventure, leaving San Diego and moving into our new home. There will be so many projects to complete and I can’t wait to share them with you!
The first project(s) we will complete before we move into our new home will be adding new floors and painting the entire home. I am super pumped – I think I found the perfect warm white paint color. You can see the design inspiration for our new home by heading to my Pinterest – I’ve been pinning like crazy these days! Ha!

We will also be tackling the fireplace and adding possibly another DIY mantel. You can see our last 2 fireplace renovation projects and mantel my hubby Dion built by heading here and then our previous home fireplace renovation here. Within the next year we will work on the kitchen and bathrooms.
I would love for you to continue to follow us on our home renovation journey. My goal is always to give you classic, timeless and approachable design ideas that make you want to love your home as much as we do.
With everyone staying home now more than ever, making home a place of comfort, peace and solace is so important.
I wish you all a happy, safe and healthy Thanksgiving.
Look for my HGTV Magazine Style Set IG feature on 12/2 🙂
Thank you for all of your continued support, kindness – I appreciate you all more than you know~

You are so talented and glad you are getting opportunities with your work on design. One if my favorite bloggers and would love to meet you some day. My favorite trip ever was a week l spent in San Diego on work trip. Prayers to get back some day if possible hope to see you in person. Maybe an event but with pandemic won’t happen hopeful in the future. But for now l will enjoy your Instagram and content you are always so thoughtful, professional, and creative.